Passing and Bablok regression analysis between the post-classification and the manual differential results for neutrophils (A), lymphocytes (B), monocytes, (C), basophils (D), eosinophils (E) 异常细胞与人工镜检相关性:除反应性淋巴细胞外(r=0.8211),其它细胞相关系数均大于0.94。
Passing and Bablok regression analysis between the post-classification and the manual differential results for immature granulocytes (F), NRBCs (G), reactive lymphocytes (H), blasts (I), and non-blast malignant cells (J).
该文章的第一作者为四川大学华西医院江虹教授和吉林大学第一医院续薇教授,通讯作者为复旦大学附属华山医院关明教授和南方医科大学南方医院郑磊教授。【参考文献】[1]P.W. Barnes, S.L. McFadden, S.J. Machin, E. Simson, The international consensus group for hematology review: suggested criteria for action following automated CBC and WBC differential analysis., Laboratory hematology 11 (2005) 83-90.[2]白求恩精神研究会检验医学分会,中华医学会检验医学分会血液体液学组,中国医学装备协会检验医学分会基础检验设备学组,人工智能辅助外周血细胞形态学检查的中国专家共识, 中华检验医学杂志, 46(3) (2023)243-258.