源于相关文献: ①Outliers as a Cause of False Cardiac Troponin Results:Investigating the Robustness of 4 Contemporary Assays,Clinical Chemistry,2011,57:5710–718②Comparison of cardiac TnI outliers using a contemporary and a high-sensitivity assay on the Abbott Architect platform,Annals of Clinical Biochemistry,2014, Vol. 51(4) 507–511;③ Evidence on the cause of false positive troponin I results with the Beckman AccuTnI method,Clin Chem Lab Med 2011;49(6):1079–1080 02 跳值发生的原因 目前发生跳值的原因目前还不是非常清楚,各个厂家给出的解释,以及相关文献报道的主要集中在分析前因素,比如样本凝血时间、凝集温度、离心条件、样本采集管等等。